Course curriculum

  • 1
    Week One (May 22-28)
    • START HERE! Week One Overview
    • Lesson 1 Video
    • Written Discussion: Introducing Yourself and a Favorite Childhood Story
    • Lesson 2 Video
    • "Understanding and Living our Lives through Stories," by Alice Morgan
    • Story Sharing & Listening Session by Zoom
    • Week-1 Reflection Journal
  • 2
    Week Two (May 29-June 4)
    • Week Two Overview
    • Lesson 3 Video
    • Story Sharing & Listening Covenant
    • Lesson 4 Video
    • Genesis Creative Activity
    • Written Discussion: The Good I Create
    • Story Sharing & Listening Session by Zoom
    • Week-2 Reflection Journal
  • 3
    Week Three (June 5-11)
    • Week Three Overview
    • Lesson 5 Video
    • The Story of the Bible (Video from The Bible Project)
    • Plot in Biblical Narrative (Video from The Bible Project)
    • Lesson 6 Video
    • Written Discussion: Immerse Yourself in a Biblical Story
    • Optional 10-minute check-in
    • "The Gospel as Fairy Tale" by Frederick Buechner
    • Story Sharing Session by Zoom
    • Week-3 Reflection Journal
  • 4
    Week Four (June 12-18)
    • Week Four Overview
    • Lesson 7 Video
    • Spiritual Growth Through Pop Culture (video from Justin Neiman Westbrook)
    • Written Discussion: Cultural Stories Fostering Discontent
    • Story Sharing Session by Zoom
    • Week-4 Reflection Journal
  • 5
    Week Five (June 19-25)
    • Week Five Overview
    • Lesson 8 Video
    • Your Life Timeline
    • Written Discussion: Your Own Fairy Tale
    • Excerpt from Anatomy of the Soul, by Curt Thompson
    • Story Sharing Session by Zoom
    • Week-5 Reflection Journal
  • 6
    Week Six (June 26-July 2)
    • Week Six Overview
    • Lesson 9 Video
    • TED Talk with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: "The Danger of a Single Story"
    • Lesson 10 Video
    • "How Generous Are You Willing to Be?" by Jesua Wight
    • Written Discussion: Being Generous With Who You Are
    • Christ at the Center of Our Stories Creative Activity
    • Closing Video
    • Story Sharing Session by Zoom
    • Consider donating to Eden Spiritual Care
    • Course Feedback Form
    • Week-6 Reflection Journal