Class Components

This class is totally self-paced to fit into your own real life! Start and finish whenever you'd like.

  • 1
    1: God & Santa Claus
    • Podcast 1: God & Santa Claus
    • Podcast 1 Resources
    • Try It! (prayer practice suggestions from podcast 1)
    • Journal Your Thoughts!
  • 2
    2: When Life Hurts
    • Podcast 2: When Life Hurts (part 1)
    • Podcast 2: When Life Hurts (part 2)
    • Podcast 2 Resources
    • Try It! (prayer practice suggestions from podcast 2)
    • Journal Your Thoughts!
  • 3
    3: Prayer & Worship
    • Podcast 3: Prayer & Worship
    • Podcast 3 Resources
    • Try It! (prayer practice suggestions from podcast 3)
    • Journal Your Thoughts!
    • Pray with Andrea
  • 4
    4: Rethinking Words
    • Podcast 4: Rethinking Words
    • Podcast 4 Resources
    • Try It! (prayer practice suggestions from podcast 4)
    • Journal Your Thoughts!
  • 5
    5: Together in Prayer
    • Podcast 5: Together in Prayer
    • Podcast 5 Resources
    • Try It! (prayer practice suggestions from podcast 5)
    • Journal Your Thoughts!
  • 6
    6: Praying Without Ceasing, Even in Chaos
    • Podcast 6: Praying Without Ceasing, Even in Chaos
    • Podcast 6 Resources
    • Try It! (prayer practice suggestions from podcast 6)
    • Journal Your Thoughts!
    • Pray with Andrea
  • 7
    Will You Help Eden Spiritual Care?
    • Feedback Form
    • Consider donating to Eden Spiritual Care