Course curriculum

  • 1
    Getting Started (Before the first Zoom session!)
    • Reading: "Skip Resolutions--Make a Rule of Life"
    • Reading: "My Rule of Life"
  • 2
    Week 1: What is a Rule of Life and why do I need one?
    • Wednesday Zoom Session Link
    • Reading: "What is a Rule of Life and Why Do I Need It?"
    • Homework Activities
  • 3
    Week 2: What/Who is important to you?
    • Wednesday Zoom Session Link
    • Reading: "Rule of Life"
    • Homework Activities
  • 4
    Week 3: Putting Together Your Rule of Life
    • Wednesday Zoom Session Link
    • Reading: "Crafting a Rule of Life"
    • Reading: "The Ignatian Examen"
    • Homework Activities
  • 5
    Week 4: Sharing Your Rule of Life & Making it a Living Document
    • Wednesday Zoom Session Link
    • Additional Resources
    • Consider donating to Eden Spiritual Care
    • Course Feedback Survey